Module: (Python) Subroutines. recursion



Recursion. Loop simulation

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Recursion as a loop replacement

We have seen that recursion is the repeated execution of contained instructions in a subroutine. And this, in turn, is similar to the work of the cycle. There are programming languages ​​in which the loop construct is absent altogether. For example, Prolog. 
Let's try to simulate the work of the loop for
The for loop contains a step counter variable. In a recursive subroutine, such a variable can be passed as a parameter.
# Procedure LoopImitation() with two parameters
# First parameter – step counter, second parameter – total number of steps
def LoopImitation(i, n):
    print("Hello N", i) # Statement to be repeated for any value of i
    if i < n: # Until the loop counter equals the value n,
        LoopImitation(i + 1, n) # call a new instance of the procedure,
                                # with parameter i+1 (go to next value i)


Study the program below and arrange in the main program a procedure call with the parameters i = 1, n = 10.