Module: The Euler function and other problems in number theory



**Fibonacci numbers modulo (C++)

Theory Click to read/hide

Modulo Fibonacci numbers

To efficiently find the Fibonacci number, we use matrix multiplication, more details here.
Knowing that 
\(F_{n+m} = F_m F_{n+1} + F_{m-1} F_n\), write the recurrence relation for matrix product:
• if \(m = n\) then \(F_{2n} = F_n F_{n+1} + F_ {n-1} F_n\);
• if \(m = n + 1\) then \(F_{2n+1} = F_{n+1 } F_{n+1} + F_n F_n\).


As you know, the Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows:
\(F(0) = 0,\ F(1) = 1,\ F(n) = F(n – 1) + F(n – 2)\ ), for all \(n > 1\).
It is named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, also known as Leonardo of Pisa.
The string contains an integer n (\(1 <= n <= 10^{18}\)).
Print F(n) value, computed modulo \(10^8\).

Paste the missing code snippet into the program.


# Input Output
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