Module: cartesian tree


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Binary search tree 1

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Implement a balanced binary search tree.
WARNING! Using vector and set from the STL is STRICTLY PROHIBITED, however it is recommended to stress your solution with them to find bugs.

Input format:
The first line contains a number n - the  number of tree operations. 1 <= n <= 100000.
Then n lines are given – tree operations. Each line contains one of the following operations:
1) insert x – add the key x to the tree. If the key x is already in the tree, then nothing needs to be done.
2) delete x – remove the key x from the tree. If the x key is not in the tree, then nothing needs to be done.
3) exists x – if the key x is in the tree, then print “true”, otherwise “false”.

Output format:
Output sequentially the result of all operations exists. Each answer should be displayed on a separate line.
Enter Output
insert 2
insert 5
insert 3
exists 3
exists 4
delete 5
(c) Kurbatov E., 2016