Module: (C++) Integer division and remainder


13 /16

Electronic watch - 2


The electronic watch shows the time in the format h:mm:ss, that is, first the number of hours is recorded in the range from 0 to 23, then a two-digit number of minutes is required, then a two-digit number of seconds is required. The number of minutes and seconds, if necessary, are padded to a two-digit number with zeros.
Since the beginning of the day n seconds have passed. Output what the clock will show.
It is forbidden to use any algorithmic constructs (if, while, for, etc.), except for arithmetic operations

Input: Enter the number n - integer, positive, does not exceed 107.
Output: Output the watch, observing the format.

N Input Output
1 3602 1:00:02
2 129700 12:01:40