Module: Nested conditional statement. Difficult conditions


12 /13

travel card


In a certain city of Che, tickets for public transport (let's call such tickets in one word - travel) can be bought at different rates:
- a ticket for one trip costs 15 rubles,
- a ticket for 10 trips costs 125 rubles,
- A ticket for 60 trips costs 440 rubles.
You are planning to make n trips. 
Determine how many passes of each type you need to buy in order to spend as little money as possible, and the total number of paid trips was not less than n.

The program receives a single number n.

The program should output three integers equal to the required number of tickets for 1, 10, 60 trips.


# Input Output
1 36 0 0 1
2 64 4 0 1