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Search in a string

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Search in line

To search within a string in Python, use the find() method.
It has three forms and returns the index of the 1st occurrence of the substring in the string:
1)  find(str) - substring str is searched from the beginning of the string to its end;
2) find(str, start) - using the start parameter, the starting index is set, and it is from it that the search is performed;
3) find(str, start, end) - using the end parameter, the end index is set, the search is performed before it.

When the substring is not found, the method returns -1:

welcome = "Hello world! Goodbye world!" index = welcome.find("wor") print(index) #6 # look for from 10th to 15th index index = welcome.find("wor", 10, 15) print(index) # -1 You can search from the end of the string. For this, the rfind() method (from the English reverse find) is used - it returns the index of the last occurrence of a substring in a string.
Note: data methods do not look for the number of occurrences, but only determine whether there is such a substring in the string or not.


Given a string in which the letter h occurs at least twice. Remove the first and last occurrences of the letter h from this string, as well as all characters between them.

A string is being entered.

Output the answer to the problem.


# Input Output
1 In the hole in the ground there lived a hobbit In tobbit