
For training in the Jedi Order, they took very young, Force-sensitive children. But there were also exceptions. At this stage of their training, they were called "younglings". One Jedi works with a group of younglings, but when they move to the rank of Padawans, one Jedi Master is attached to them, individually.
In high jump training, five best younglings are selected for evaluation. Each youngling puts a mark from 1 to 20, after which one lowest and one highest mark is discarded.
You need to write a program that will display the results of the jump.
It should display the five grades given by the younglings without changing their order, and then their sum, while parenthesizing those grades that are not taken into account when calculating the sum.
The input is 5 natural numbers from 1 to 20, separated by a space.
Print the same numbers in the same order, putting in parentheses the minimum (and if there are several – the leftmost of them) and the maximum (and if there are several – the rightmost of them) number, as well as the sum of all numbers not taken in brackets. All numbers (including the sum) must be printed on one line and separated by one space (there must be no spaces inside the brackets). The amount must be preceded by an equals sign, separated on the left and right by a single space. The order of ratings must be the same as in the input.
# |
Input |
Output |
1 |
1 2 3 4 5 |
(1) 2 3 4 (5) = 9 |
Запрещенные операторы: max
; min
; index
; sort