Module: Arithmetic expressions


2 /5

Arithmetic expressions

Theory Click to read/hide

The expression on the right side of the assignment operator allows you to calculate values ​​using various formulas.< br />
What an expression can contain
x integers and real numbers (in real numbers, the integer and fractional parts are separated by a dot, not a comma, as is customary in mathematics);
• arithmetic signs:  
    + addition;
    - subtraction;
    * multiplication;
    / division;
    % modulo.

• standard function calls:
 Math.Abs(x)  - real number module x;
 Math.Sqrt(x)  - square root of a real number x;
 Math.Pow(x,y)  - calculates x to the power of y.

• parentheses to change the order of actions.


Write a program that calculates the value of the variable y given the formula:
y = (1 - x2+ 2.5x+ x4)2< /code>

The value of the x variable is set from the keyboard. Define the types of the x and y variables yourself.
Display the value of the y variable on the screen.

Sample input and output. 
Input Output
2 1089