In the alphabet of the language of the tribe "Tumba-Yumba"; four letters: "K", "L", "M" and "N". You need to display all the words consisting of n letters that can be built from the letters of this alphabet.
The problem is a normal brute-force problem that can be reduced to a smaller problem.
We will sequentially substitute letters for the word.
The first position of a word can be one of the 4 letters of the alphabet (K. L, M, N).
Let's put the letter K first. Then, in order to get all variants with the first letter K , you need to enumerate all possible combinations of letters in the remaining n - 1 positions and so on. (see picture).

Thus, the problem is reduced to solving four problems of length n - 1 .
Iterate over n characters recursively
w[0]='K'; // iterate over the last L-1 characters
w[0]='L'; // iterate over the last L-1 characters
w[0]='M'; // iterate over the last L-1 characters
w[0]='N'; // iterate over the last L-1 characters
w - a character string that stores the working word.
Thus, we got recursion. We can arrange the solution of the problem in the form of a recursive procedure.
It remains to determine when the recursion will end? When all characters are set, that is, the number of set characters is n . In this case, you need to display the resulting word on the screen and exit the procedure.
The C++ program will look like this.
using namespace std;
void TumbaWords( string A, string &w, int N )
// w - changeable parameter (string-result)
// The TumbaWords procedure is passed the alphabet as a character string,
// the word word and the number of characters already set (preceding – 0).
int i;
if (N == w.size())
// if all characters have already been set to the word,
// then it is necessary to output a string and end the procedure
cout << w<< endl;
for ( i = 1; i < A.size(); i ++ )
// if the condition above is false (that is, not all characters are spaced,
// then in the loop we go through all the characters of the alphabet and
// alternately put the character on the first free space
w[N] = A[i];
TumbaWords ( A, w, N+1 );
cin>> n;
word.resize(n); // increase string to size n
TumbaWords( "KLMN", word, 0 );
NOTE that w is a mutable parameter (result string)!