A subroutine is a separate part of the program that has a name and solves its own separate task. The subroutine is located at the beginning of the main program and can be launched (called) from the main program by specifying the name
The use of subroutines allows you to avoid code duplication, in case you need to write the same code in different places in the program.
Libraries that are imported into a program (for example, the math library math) consist of subroutines that have already been compiled by someone. Programmers do not need to think about what algorithms they implement, but simply apply them, thinking only about what exactly they are doing. This is a big time saver. There is no need to write an algorithm that has already been written by someone else.
Each routine
should only do one thing: either just calculate something, or output some data, or do something else.
There are two types of subroutines -
Subroutines perform some actions, such as printing the result to the screen in a certain form (a simple example, the statement
writeln() is a standard subroutine that prints to screen information)
Function subroutines
return a result (number, character string, etc.) that we can use in the main program.
Let's try to write a simple procedure:
Suppose we need to display the string "Error" on the screen every time an error can occur in the code due to the fault of the user (for example, when he enters incorrect data)
This can be done by writing the statement
And now imagine that such a line needs to be inserted in many places in the program. Of course, you can just write it everywhere. But this solution has two drawbacks.
1) this string will be stored in memory many times
2) if we want to change the output on error, we will have to change this line throughout the program, which is rather inconvenient
For such cases, procedures are needed.
A program with a procedure might look like this:
using namespace std;
procedure printError(); // procedure description
writeln('Error'); // procedure body - commands that the procedure will execute
// main program
printerror(); // start the procedure for execution. We just specify the name of the procedure we want to execute.
The procedure begins with the word
. After the name of the procedure, parentheses are written, which indicate the variables and their types on which the execution of the procedure depends. For example:
var a, b, answer: integer;
procedure Sum(a, b: integer);
answer := a + b;
All statements that are executed in a procedure are indented.
Procedures are written before the main program
To execute a procedure, in the main program you need to call it
by name and remember to write parentheses!
You can call a procedure in a program any number of times.