Python. Robot. Loop "repeat N times"

Loop with a known number of repetitions "repeat N:"
If you need to execute some sequence of the same commands N times in the program, then to shorten the code, use the construction:
repeat N:

For example, program:

you can write shorter:

repeat 4:

Such a construction is called a loop with a known number of repetitions. The use of loops in the program significantly reduces the size of the program, and hence the memory occupied by the program.

Loops is a key concept in computer science. If you want to be a good programmer, knowing how to handle loops is the most important skill to learn.

In order to show the robot which commands to repeat, indent 4 spaces from the beginning of the line
Indentation is very important in Python. By indenting, we define a certain block of commands that must be executed in a loop, or after checking the condition.