In some state, there are N firms competing with each other.
Each firm has some profit per year equal to V[i]
American rubles. The king has favorite firms,
and there are those who are unloved. Accordingly, the tax for all firms is different and is assigned
king individually.
The tax on the i-th firm is equal to p[i] percent.
Collectors of statistics decided to calculate,
from which company the highest income goes to the state treasury
(all taxes go to the treasury). Unfortunately, they were not taught in childhood
no math, no computer science (so learn, kids!),
and their task is greatly complicated. Help them in this difficult task.
Input data
first, the number N is written - the number of firms (0<N<=100).
Next comes N non-negative integers not exceeding 154 - the income of firms,
and then another N integers from 0 to 100 - company taxes as a percentage.
In the output file print a single number - the number of the company from which the state
receives the most tax. If there are several such firms, print any of them.
Sample input file:
100 1 50
0 100 3
Sample output file: