Innopolis University is preparing to host the Summer School of Olympiad Programming. Now they need to choose dates.
The organizers noticed that the school goes better if the mood of the children improves every day of the school, they also noticed that the mood of the schoolchildren strongly depends on the weather: in clear weather, schoolchildren are more cheerful than in cloudy ones. The organizers asked for a weather forecast for n days when the school could be held. For each day they counted the number ai — sunshine of the i-th day. Now they want to choose for the school some continuous period of days, such that each next day of the school the sunshine is strictly greater than the previous one.
Help the school organizers find the maximum number of days the school can run.
Input data format
The first line of the input file contains the number n — the number of days that school can be held. The second line contains n ( 1<=n<=10
5) numbers ai — sunny days (0 <= a
i <= 10
9 ).
Output data format
Print a single number: the maximum number of days the school can go so that each next school day is sunnier than the previous one.
Output |
Enter |
2 0 3 7 4 5
3 |
1 2 3
3 |
1 1 1 1
1 |