Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 23366. Completely different stormtroopers


You control an army of stormtroopers fighting against an army of rebels. The rebel army consists of n soldiers, the health of the i-th soldier is ai units. The attack power of each enemy soldier is equal to de units. You have m attack aircraft at your disposal. The attack power of each of them — dt , health — h units.

Combat is turn-based as long as there are living soldiers on both sides. Each step of the battle is a simultaneous shot of all living soldiers from both sides. Each soldier can attack any opponent, but only one. Several soldiers on the same side can attack the same enemy soldier. The soldier's health is reduced by the total attack power of the soldiers attacking it during that turn. If the soldier's health at the end of the turn is less than or equal to zero, he dies.

Your task — destroy the enemy army using the minimum number of attack aircraft, regardless of the actions of the enemy, or determine that it will not work to destroy the enemy army.

Input data format
The first line of the input file contains natural numbers n, m, ( n,m <= 2*105),  de, d t , h — the number of soldiers in the enemy army, the number of attack aircraft at your disposal, the attack power of each enemy soldier, the attack power and the number of health units of each of the attack aircraft, respectively ( de, dt  , h <= 109). The next line contains n natural numbers ai — the number of health units of the i-th soldier of the enemy army (ai <= 109).
Output data format
Print a single number — the minimum number of attack aircraft required to destroy the enemy army, or -1 if the mission is impossible.

Enter Output
3 3 1 1 2
1 2 3
4 10 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
3 1 1 2 5
1 2 3