Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 23416. Equation with missing digits

An equation of the form \(A + B = C\) is given, where A, B and < code>C - non-negative integer numbers, in decimal notation of which some digits are replaced by question marks (?). An example of such an equation is \(?2+34=4?\). It is required to substitute numbers instead of question marks so that this equality becomes true, or to determine that this is impossible. Find only one of  possible solutions.
Input: Enter a string representing the given equation without spaces. 
The length of the equation does not exceed 80 characters. 
Output: required to display the correct equality obtained from the original equation by replacing the question marks with numbers, or the message "No solution".

# Input Output
1 ??2?4+9?=355 00264+91=355