Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 24677. Average wheat yield

In the Che region, in each of N districts, it was decided to sow free fields with wheat. After the harvest, all the wheat is taken to the store and counted how much was harvested in each area. Known area planted with wheat (Ai, in hectares) in each district, and the amount harvested in each district (Bi, < /sub>in centners). Write a program that calculates the average wheat yield for each district and for the entire region.

In the first line, enter the value N - the number of districts in the region (1 <= N <= 1000). In the second line, enter N numbers  Ai - area of ​​each district (1 <= Ai <= 109). In the second line , N numbers Bi is entered - the yield of each region (1 <= Bi < = 109).

Output in the first line, separated by a space, the average yield for each district, rounded to 6 decimal places. In the second line, output the average yield for the region as a whole, rounded to 6 decimal places.

# Input Output
10 20 25 30 35
30 40 50 60 70
3.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000