Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 26976. Visit to the museum


Lyolik finally decided to get enlightened and went to the museum. He liked the museum so much that he decided to invite his friend Bolik there. Bolik wants to join his friend, but he needs to take bus 154 to the subway, then three stops on the subway, and then take bus 93 to the museum. In addition, Bolik needs to buy a ticket to the museum. Now Bolik wants to calculate how much money he needs to meet Lyolik at the museum.
It is known that a bus ride costs a rubles, a subway ticket costs b rubles, and an entrance to the museum costs c rubles.
Input Format
The input is three natural numbers separated by a space: a, b, and c. All numbers do not exceed 109.
Output format
Print the only natural number — the amount that Bolik should have.
Enter Output
10 30 50 100