Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 27077. Which ear is buzzing?

Freken Bok is at the point \(A(x_a, y_a)\) and looking straight at the Kid standing at the point \(B(x_b, y_b)\) asks the question: "Which ear is my buzzing in?". Naturally, the formidable housekeeper is buzzing in her ear, because at the point \(C(x_c, y_c)\) Carlson hovered with the engine on. Decide which Kid's answer is correct.
The coordinates of points A, B and C are entered from the keyboard. The initial data are integers, modulo not exceeding 1000.
Print the word LEFT (in capital letters) if the housekeeper's left ear is buzzing, RIGHT – if on the right, BOTH – if  buzzing in both left and right is the same.


# Input Output
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 LEFT