The ski route is described by an M x N grid of heights (1 <= M,N <= 500), each height in the range 0 .. 1,000,000,000.
Some of these cells are marked as route starting points. The organizers want to calculate a difficulty rating for each starting point. Starting point difficulty rating P – is the minimum number D such that a cow can successfully reach at least T grid cells (1 <= T <= MN) if it starts at P and can move to an adjacent cell (north, south, west or east) only if the absolute value of the height difference in these cells does not exceed D. < /div>
Calculate the difficulty rating for each starting point and print their sum.
* Line 1: Integers M, N, T.
* Lines 2..1+M: Each of these M lines contains N integer heights.
* Lines 2+M..1+2M: Each of these M lines contains N values equal to 0 or 1, where 1 means that this is a cell – starting point
* Line 1: The sum of the difficulty ratings of all starting points (note that this number may not fit into a 32-bit integer, even if each individual rating does).
The terrain is described by a grid of 3 x 5 heights.
The top left and bottom right cells are the starting points.
From each starting point, we should be able to get to 10 cells.
The difficulty rating of the upper left corner is 4.
The difficulty rating of the bottom right corner is 20.