Write a program that will contain an implementation of a data structure for a set of disjoint sets (disjoint sets) in 2 ways (rank heuristic and random) and process requests like this:
RESET n — create a new series of subsets: a set of only element 0, of only element 1, and so on up to a set of only element n–1 inclusive. If the structure already contained some other set of disjoint subsets, all relevant information is lost. In this case, two words should be displayed on the standard output (screen) "RESET DONE" separated by a space.
JOIN j k — combine the subsets that the element j and the element k belong to. If the elements already belonged to the same subset, output the word "ALREADY" to the standard output (screen), followed by the same numbers j and k, separated by spaces, in the same order. If the elements so far belonged to different subsets, then the action occurs only with the data in memory, nothing is displayed on the screen.
CHECK j k — check whether element j and element k belong to the same subset; output the word "YES" to the standard output (screen); (if one) or the word «NO» (if different).
BREAK - stop receiving requests.
The input contains a sequence of RESET, JOIN, and CHECK queries — each on a separate line, following the format described above. It is guaranteed that the first row contains a RESET query and that the total number of RESET queries does not exceed 5. The total number of all queries does not exceed 200000. The value of n in each RESET query does not exceed 100000. In each JOIN query and in each CHECK query, both numbers will be in the range from 0 to n–1, where n — parameter of the last executed RESET request.
For RESET, CHECK and those JOIN queries where the elements already belong to the same subset, display the corresponding result (in a separate line) on the standard output (screen).
Answers «NO» are given for requests "CHECK 2 11" and "CHECK 9 1", the answer is "ALREADY 4 1" — to the second of the requests "JOIN 4 1" (10th line), "YES" — to "CHECK 5 10".
Input |
Output |
JOIN 14 10
JOIN 13 8
JOIN 0 9
JOIN 8 3
JOIN 4 1
JOIN 10 5
JOIN 8 4
CHECK 2 11
JOIN 4 1
JOIN 2 6
JOIN 6 5
CHECK 10 5