Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 34787. Transfiguration


Темы: Цикл for
Transfiguration  (English Transfiguration; literally «transfiguration», «transfiguration») — a discipline that studies the magical ways transformation of some objects into others, inanimate objects into living ones and vice versa, as well as one living objects into others. A special case of transfiguration is the creation of objects from nothing or their disappearance. The subject is extremely complex and requires certain magical powers and strict concentration. Transfiguration requires a magic wand and knowledge of the appropriate formula.

Known Number  \(n >= 2\)  transfigure to sum \(1 \cdot 2+2 \cdot 3+...+(n-1) \cdot n\).
Print your answer as a calculated expression and its value exactly as shown in the example.

Enter a natural number.

Print the answer to the problem.


# Input Output
1 4 1*2+2*3+3*4=20
2 2 1*2=2

Запрещенные операторы:list;[