Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 37087. Removing rows

A two-dimensional array stores the results (time in minutes) shown by each of the N drivers in each of the 10 Formula 1 races. (in the zero line - the results of the first rider, in the first line - the second, etc.). After the tenth stage, the racer with the serial number K  dropped out of the competition. The panel of judges decided to remove the results of this participant from the table.
Modify the array accordingly and print it to the screen.

By deleting a string in a two-dimensional array, we mean:
1) exclusion of this line from the array by shifting all lines following it one up;
2) assigning the value 0 to all elements of the last row (or reducing the number of rows by 1).

The first line specifies the number N (\(0<N<=30\)). Next come N lines of 10 numbers each. Each number modulo no more than 100. Followed by a new line number K (\(1<=K<= N\)).

Display the transformed matrix, allocating three character spaces for each element.
# Input Output
1 5
38 43 82 95 20 100 99 83 77 42 
94 92 74 30 93 75 99 6 79 68 
4 20 25 54 15 31 81 39 79 76
62 97 14 40 70 31 3 84 33 74 
99 30 91 15 41 54 87 31 71 74 
 38 43 82 95 20 100 99 83 77 42
 94 92 74 30 93 75 99 6 79 68
 62 97 14 40 70 31 3 84 33 74
 99 30 91 15 41 54 87 31 71 74

Запрещенные операторы:pop;if