Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 37090. Processing a row in a matrix - 3

The two-dimensional array stores information about the scores obtained by pentathletes in each of the five sports (in the zero line - information about the scores of the first athlete, in the first - the second, etc.). The total number of athletes \(N\). Determine the total points scored by the \(K\)th athlete.

Input: The first line contains a number \(N\) (\(0<N<=20\)). 
Next come N lines with 5 numbers each - the points received by the athletes (each number is a natural number, not more than 50)
The last line specifies a number \(K\)
Output: display the answer to the problem

# Input Output
1 3
13 3 15 12 26 
1 28 17 17 27 
18 18 50 21 27