Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 37703. Computer science grades


Темы: Множества
Masha, Dasha and Misha received a number of marks in computer science. Masha and Dasha want to see which of the ratings they met, but did not meet with Misha. Write a program to solve this problem.

Input: The first line contains the number N (\(0 < N <= 100\)) - the number of ratings for each child. 
Then there are 3 lines of N numbers in each - Masha's, Dasha's and Misha's scores respectively. Children's grades at school are given on a 100-point scale.
Output: Display the scores that Masha and Dasha encountered but Misha did not. List your scores in ascending order. If there are no such estimates, output -1


# Input Output
1 5
5 4 6 4 5
5 2 3 6 6
5 5 2 1 2
3 4 6