Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 38271. Words won't get through


Темы: Строки
Children, as you know, are starting to use the Internet earlier and earlier. Now, when they have questions, they do not run to their parents, but go to their favorite search engine and find out the answer on the Internet. But what if they accidentally find something that is too early for them to know? Or maybe it's better not to know at all?

In one country, this problem was solved very simply: a list of words prohibited for use on the Internet was created. After all, it is obvious that an article that mentions some bad word cannot teach a child anything good. Any site containing at least one word from this list is now subject to instant blocking. An innocent child will never stumble upon something that is too early for him to know — There is simply no such article on the Internet. But the evil site owners came up with a way to get around this ban: if instead of some letters you write numbers that look like them, you can still read this text, and the robot that checks sites for suitability does not recognize the forbidden — because formally it is not on the site.

Your task — help the government of this country protect children from harmful information. Write a program that will check if a given string contains a forbidden word, taking into account the possible cunning of site owners. Site owners have been known to sometimes make the following substitutions: e  3, o  0, i  1, t  7, a  4, s  5.

The first line of the input contains the string — text from the site. The second line of the input contains another string — forbidden word. The first line consists of small Latin letters and numbers, the second line consists only of small Latin letters. The length of each line does not exceed 100.

Print "YES" if the forbidden word occurs as a substring in the string from the site, and "NO" otherwise. It is possible that in the line from the site, some letters were initially replaced with numbers in accordance with the above rules.
# Input Output
1 inah0leinthegroundthereliv3dah0bb1t
2 whath4v3igotinmypocket
3 whath4veig0t1nmyp0ck37
4 wh4thav31go71nmyp0ck3t