Fifth grader Lenya recently read an article about Fibonacci numbers.
The Fibonacci numbers are the numerical sequence F
1 , F
2 , ..., F
n , ... , which is arranged as follows thus: F
1 = 1 , F
2 = 2 , and each next number is calculated as the sum of the previous two: if i ≥ 3 , then F
i = F
i - 1 + F
i - 2 . The Fibonacci sequence thus begins with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... .
Today Lenya is studying Fibonacci numbers with numbers from L to R, inclusive. Since Lenya loves the number 3 very much, he wondered how many Fibonacci numbers among those that he studies today are divisible by 3. For example, if L = 3 and R = 7 , then Lenya will study the numbers F
3 = 3 , F
4 = 5 , F
5 = 8 , F
6 =&thinsp ;13 and F
7 = 21 . Among them, two numbers are divisible by 3: F
3 = 3 and F
7 = 21 .
Write a program that will help Lena find the answer to his question.
The first line of the input contains the number L , and the second — number R ( 1 ≤ L ≤ R ≤ 10
5 ).
Print a single number — the number of Fibonacci numbers with numbers from L to R , inclusive, that are divisible by 3.