Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 38311. sandwich method


Темы: Строки
Secret agency "Super-Secret-no" decided to use the "sandwich method" to encrypt the correspondence of its employees. First, the letters of the word are numbered in this order: the first letter is number 1, the last letter is number 2, the second – number 3, penultimate – number 4, then the third … and so on for all letters (see figure). Then all the letters are written in the cipher in the order of their numbers. A "sharp" sign is added to the end of the ciphered word. (#) which   cannot be used in messages.

For example, the word "sandwich" will be encrypted in «shacnidw#».

Unfortunately, the "Super-Secret-no" programmer only wrote the encryption program and quit. And now the agents cannot understand what they wrote to each other. Help them.

A word encrypted using the sandwich method is entered. The length of the word does not exceed 20 letters.

Output the deciphered word.
# Input Output
1 Aabrrbaacda# Abracadabra