Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 38502. Candy battle

There are three packages of sweets, each of which contains candies in the amount of a, b and c pieces, respectively. they fight over these sweets. The teacher Anna Nikolaevna tries to distribute the packs between two pupils in such a way that everyone gets the same number of sweets. Determine if it's possible.
Please note that Anna Nikolaevna cannot take the candies out of the package, and the entire contents of each package must be given to one of the students.

The input string contains three numbers a, b and c (\(1<=a ,b,c<=100\)).

If it is possible to distribute the packages so that each pupil gets the same number of sweets, print Yes. Otherwise, print No.


# Input Output Explanation
1 10 30 20 Yes Hand out a pack of 30 sweets to one person and two packs of 10 and 20 candies to another. Everyone gets 30 sweets.
2 30 30 100 No In this case, the pupil who receives the package of 100 sweets always has more candies than the other.
Please note that each package must be given to one of them.
3 56 25 31 Yes