Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 38591. SilverTests Beginner rounds

All SilverTests Beginner Coder (STBCoder) contests are tagged as STBC001, STBC002, ...  from Round 1 to Round 999. After the STBC999  round, a problem arises: how should the next rounds be marked? In the end, it was decided for rounds from 1000 to 1999 to be marked as STBD000, STBD001, ..., STBD999. Rounds 2000 to 2999 are marked as STBE000, STBE001, ..., STBE999 etc., each time the last letter is changed (STBC, STBD,  STBE, ..., STBL). Rounds from 1 to 9999 are thus marked. 
You are given an integer N between 1 and 9999 (inclusive). Print the first four characters of the label for the Nth round of the SilverTests Begginer Coder.

Input N integer (\(1<=N<=9999\)).

Print the first three characters of the label for the Nth round of the SilverTests Beginner Coder Contest.


# Input Output
1 999 STBC
2 1000 STBD
3 6345 STBI