Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 38626. Arithmetic cookies. Very easy task

There is always an integer in Gromozeka's mind. Initially, in Gromozeka's mind, the integer is 0. Now Gromozeka is going to eat four cookies, each of which has either + or - written on it. When he eats a cookie with the symbol +, the integer in his mind increases by 1; when he eats a cookie with a - character, the integer in his mind decreases by 1. The cookies that Gromozeka is about to eat are given to you as a string S, i th character in S is i is the cookie he eats. Find the integer in Gromozeka's mind after he has eaten all the cookies.

The input is a string of 4 characters, each of which is equal to or -.

Print an integer in Gromozeka's mind after he has eaten all the cookies.


# Input Output