Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 44387. XOR hash


Темы: Битовые операции
 Gromozeka has n-1 integers written on cards and laid out in a row in random order. It computed a bitwise XOR (xor) between all the numbers written. The calculated number (X) he wrote down on a new card and added it to the end of all cards with numbers. Now he has n number cards. He shuffled all the cards and arranged them again in a row in random order. 

Gromozeka showed you all the cards and asks you to guess the number X that was written on the new card.

The first line of the input contains an integer n - the number of cards with numbers (2 <= n <= 100). The second line contains n integers - the numbers written on the cards (each number belongs to the interval [0, 127]). 

Print the answer one integer - the number X that was written on the new card.
It is guaranteed that the answer exists. If there are multiple answers, print the minimum X.
# Input Output
1 4
4 3 2 5