Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 6031. Finding the required string - 2

 n athletes compete in the hammer throw. Each of them made  m throws. The player with the highest throw wins. If there are several of them, then the one with the best sum of results over all attempts wins. If there are several such, the athlete with the lowest number is considered the winner. Determine the number of the winner of the competition.

Input: The program receives as input two numbers n and m (20<=n,m<=20), which are the number of rows and columns in the array. Next in the input stream are n lines of m numbers, which are elements of the array.

Output data: The program should output a single number - the number of the winner of the competition. Don't forget that  lines  (athletes) are numbered from 0.

# Input Output
1  4 3
 8 8 8
 5 9 3
 9 4 7
 6 6 2