Games and winning strategies


Problem description Progress
ID 38145. The game of pebbles
Темы: Games and winning strategies   

Masha and Dasha play a game with N (\(1<=N<=10^5\)) piles of pebbles, where The ith pile contains ai pebbles (\(1<=i< =N\), \(1<=a_i<=10^6\)). They take turns walking, Masha goes first.

  • First Masha chooses some positive number s1 and removes s1 pebbles from some pile containing at least s1 pebbles.
  • Then Dasha chooses some positive number s2 such that s2  divides into s1 and removes spebbles from some pile containing at least  s2 pebbles.
  • Then Masha chooses some positive number s3, which is divisible by s2 and removes spebbles from some pile that contains at least spebbles.< /li>
  • In the general case si, the number of pebbles that are removed on the move i must be a divisor of s< sub>i+1.

The one who cannot make a move loses.

Calculate the number of ways Masha can remove the pebbles on her first move in order to guarantee her victory (that is, there is a strategy that Masha will use to win regardless of Dasha's moves). Two methods of removing pebbles are said to be different if they remove a different number of pebbles or they remove pebbles from different piles.

The first line contains N.
The second line contains N single-space separated integers a1,…,aN.

Print the number of ways Masha can remove the stones on her first move to guarantee herself a win.
For calculations use the 64th integer e.g. "long long" in C/C++.
# Input Output Note
1 1
4 Masha chooses 4, 5, 6, 7 pebbles from one pile and the game will end immediately.
2 6
3 2 3 2 3 1
8 Masha wins if she removes 2 or 3 pebbles from any pile. Then the players will take turns taking the same number of pebbles, but Masha will make the last move.

ID 38501. LinkedList's Bizarre Adventure
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