Arithmetic operations


Problem description Progress
ID 39652. Error
Темы: Number systems    Arithmetic operations   

The value of an arithmetic expression

\(3 \cdot 4^{8072} - 2 \cdot 16^{512} - 3 \cdot 8^{128 } - 1024\)
written in the number system with base 16. How many significant even digits does this notation contain?

Even digits in hexadecimal: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, A, C, E.

ID 39653. Error
Темы: Number systems    Arithmetic operations   

The value of an arithmetic expression

\(3 \cdot 4^{8072} - 2 \cdot 16^{512} - 3 \cdot 8^{128 } - 1024\)
written in base 16 number system. How many adjacent pairs of digits "FC" contained in this post?