
Problem description Progress
ID 31839. Factorial calculation
Темы: recursion   

Write a program with a recursive function to calculate the factorial.

The first line contains a natural number N (  N<=12 ).

Print the factorial of the number.

# Input Output
1 1 1
2 2 2

ID 31838. Sum of bits
Темы: recursion   

Write a program with a recursive function to calculate the sum of bits in a natural number.

The first line contains a natural number N (  N<=109 ).

Print the sum of the bits.


# Input Output
1 16 1
2 7 3

ID 31837. Bit product
Темы: recursion   

Write a program with a recursive function to calculate the product of bits in a natural number.

The first line contains a natural number N (  N<=109 ).

Output the product of bits.


# Input Output
1 16 0
2 7 1


ID 31842. Asterisks
Темы: recursion   

Given a string containing only English letters (uppercase and lowercase). Add symbol ‘*’ (asterisk) between letters (you don't need to add "*" character before the first letter and after the last one).
A string of non-zero length is entered. It is also known that the string length does not exceed 1000 characters.
Output the string that will result after adding the characters '*'.

# Input Output
1 LItBeoFLcSGBOFQxMHoIuDDWcqcVgkcRoAeocXO L*I*t*B*e*o*F*L*c*S*G*B*O*F*Q*x*M*H*o*I*u*D*D*W *c*q*c*V*g*k*c*R*o*A*e*o*c*X*O

ID 31841. Number of digits
Темы: recursion   

You are given a string containing numbers and English letters (uppercase and lowercase). Find and display the number of digits.
A string of non-zero length is entered. It is also known that the string length does not exceed 1000 characters.
Print the number of digits present in the string.

# Input Output
1 74kz31n8pn26f2iv10c7u8x356gl73jlka67i929z08i5mnn35h0n 28

ID 31840. Largest line
Темы: recursion   

Given a string containing only decimal digits. Write a program that uses recursion to find the largest digit.
When solving this problem, it is forbidden to use cycles and the word max.
A string of non-zero length is entered. It is also known that the length of the string does not exceed 1000 characters and the string contains only decimal digits.
Print the maximum digit that occurs in the input string.
# Input Output
1 11111111 1

ID 21716. Sum of numbers from 1 to n
Темы: recursion   

Write a program containing a recursive function that  solves the problem of finding the sum of numbers from 1 to n (n <= 100)
You cannot use cycles and the formula for the sum of an arithmetic progression in the program
The main program must contain initial data input, function call and response output
The input to the program is a number n


# Input Output
1 5 15

ID 21723. sum of divisors
Темы: recursion   

Given a natural number n, calculate the sum of all its natural divisors, including 1 and the number itself. Write the solution as a RECURSIVE function with one parameter. The main program must contain initial data input, function call and output response
Forbidden to use loops in the program


# Input Output
1 6 12

ID 21715. Degree of
Темы: recursion   

Write a program containing a recursive function that  solves the problem of raising x to a natural power n.
The main program must contain the input of initial data, the call of the function and the output of the result
It is forbidden to use the built-in functions (and operations) of exponentiation, as well as cycles

The input to the program is two numbers x and n


# Input Output
1 2 5 32

ID 33645. Only squares
Темы: recursion   

Write a recursive function that selects squares of integers from a given sequence and prints them in reverse order. Using an array to store a sequence is not allowed. Loops are not allowed. 
The main program must contain a function call and a result output

Input: The input lines contain integers, one per line. The last line contains the number 0.

Output:  The program must print the elements of the resulting sequence, which are squares of integers, in reverse order on one line, separated by spaces. If there are none, the program should print the number 0.

# Input Output
1 1
4 1

ID 33646. The sum of the elements of the sequence
Темы: recursion   

Write a recursive function that calculates the sum of the elements of a sequence of integers given not its input. The input ends with the number 0. The main program must contain a function call and a result output. Loops are not allowed

Input: The input lines contain integers, one per line. The last line contains the number 0.

Output: The program should output a single number – the sum of all elements of the sequence.

# Input Output
1 1

ID 33647. Maximum Sequence
Темы: recursion   

Write a recursive function that calculates the maximum value from a sequence of integers given not its input. The input ends with the number 0. The main program must contain a function call and a result output. Loops are not allowed

Input:  The input lines contain integers, one in each line. The last line contains the number 0.

Output: The program should output a single number – the maximum value of all elements of the sequence (not counting the number 0).

# Input Output
1 1

ID 18692. Long gcd
Темы: recursion    GCD and Euclid's algorithm   

Two numbers are given. Find their greatest common divisor.
Input data: Enter two natural numbers not exceeding 10^9, (record 10^9 means "10 to the 9th power", that is, 1000000000).< /div>
Output: Print the GCD of the entered numbers

# Input Output
1 42 12 6

ID 21719. Ackermann function
Темы: recursion   

In the theory of computability, an important role is played by the Ackermann function A(m,n), defined as follows:

You are given two non-negative integers m and n, each on a separate line. Print A(m,n).

# Input Output
1 2


ID 31902. Function
Темы: recursion   

Function f with natural arguments and values ​​is defined like this:
f(0) = 0
f(1) = 1
f(2n) = f(n)
f(2n + 1) = f(n) + f(n + 1)
Compose a program to calculate f(n) given n.
Given a single number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 1018).
Print f(n)
Input Output
10 3

ID 31793. Function - 2*
Темы: recursion   

Described a recursive function with three parameters F(a, b, c):
F(a, b, c) = 1 if a ≤ 0 or b ≤ 0 or c≤ 0;
F(a, b, c) = F(20, 20, 20) if a > 20 or b > 20 or c > 20;
F(a, b, c) = F(a, b, c-1) + F(a, b-1, c-1) - F(a, b-1, c), if a < b and b < c;
F(a, b, c) = F(a-1, b, c) + F(a-1, b-1, c) + F(a-1, b, c-1 ) - F(a-1, b-1, c-1), in all other cases.

Input contains three integers a, b, c - function parameters F (-104 ≤ a,b,c ≤104).
In response, display the value of the function F(a, b, c).

# Input Output
1 1 1 1 2
2 2 2 2 4
3 10 4 6 523
4 50 50 50 1048576


ID 31784. horse filling
Темы: recursion    Depth walk   

Given an nxn chessboard. Let the knight stand on the cell (1,1). It is necessary to find such a sequence of moves of the knight, in which he visits each square of the board exactly once.
The input to the program is a natural number n (n ≤ 8).
If the bypass is impossible, then output 0 to the output file, if possible, then 1, and on the next lines print the matrix nn, illustrating the order of the bypass. It is not necessary to align numbers by columns.
Note. The speed of the recursive program in this problem essentially depends on the order in which the variants of the knight's move from the next cell will be considered. One good order is to place all eight options "in a circle".
Input Output
3 0
1 20 17 12 3 
16 11 2 7 18 
21 24 19 4 13 
10 15 6 23 8 
25 22 9 14 5 

ID 31803. Expansion into terms
Темы: recursion   

It is required to display all different representations of a natural number as a sum of natural numbers. Representations that differ from each other in the order of terms are not different.

The input string contains an integer N (2 ≤ N ≤ 40).

In your answer, output all different representations of the number N without repetitions as a sum one at a time on a separate line. Both the terms and the sums themselves can follow in any order.

# Input Output
1 4
1 1 1 1
1 2 1
1 3
2 2
2 5
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 2
1 1 3
1 2 2
2 3
1 4

ID 23410. Ladders
Темы: recursion   

A ladder is a set of cubes, in which each of the upper ones 
layer contains fewer cubes than the previous one.
| |
| | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Count the number of ladders that can be built with N cubes.
The input file contains the number N (1<=N<=100).
Output the desired number of ladders into the output file.
Example input file
Example output file

ID 31794. coins
Темы: recursion   

In the Enchanted Land, coins of denominations A1, A2,..., AM are used. The magic man came to the store and found that he had exactly two coins of each denomination. He needs to pay the amount N. Write a program to determine if he can pay without change.

At the input of the program  first comes the number N (1 <= N <= 109), then the number M (1 <= M <= 15) and then M pairwise distinct numbers A1 , A2,..., AM (1 <= Ai <= 109 ).

First print K - the number of coins that the Magic Man will have to give if he can pay the specified amount without change. Then print K numbers that define the values ​​of the coins. If there are several solutions, print the variant in which the Magic Man gives the smallest possible number of coins. If there are several such options, print any of them.

If you cannot do without change, then print a single number 0. If the Magic Man does not have enough money to pay the specified amount, print a single number -1 (minus one).

Input Output
100 6
11 20 30 40 11 99
40 30 30

ID 31795. Sum of cubes
Темы: recursion   

It is known that any natural number can be represented as the sum of at most four squares of natural numbers. Vasya decided to come up with a similar statement for cubes - he wants to know how many cubes are enough to represent any number. His first working hypothesis is eight.

It turned out that almost all the numbers that Vasya could come up with can be represented as a sum of no more than eight cubes. However, the number 239, for example, does not allow such a representation. Now Vasya wants to find some other such numbers, and also, perhaps, some pattern in the representations of all other numbers, in order to put forward a hypothesis about the form of all numbers that are not represented as the sum of eight cubes.

Help Vasya write a program that would check if it is possible to represent a given natural number as a sum of no more than eight cubes of natural numbers, and if possible, find some such representation.

A natural number is entered N <= 2*109.

It is required to print no more than eight natural numbers, whose cubes add up to N. If the required representation does not exist, then the word IMPOSSIBLE.
should be output to the output file  

# Input Output
2 17  2 2 1

ID 31844. Ternary sequences
Темы: recursion   

The number N is entered. Generate in anti-lexicographic order all sequences of length N (1≤N≤9) consisting of the numbers 3, 4, 5, in which the number of triples does not exceed two.
In "anti-lexicographic" means "in reverse order of lexigographic" (see example).
In "lexicographical order" means that if two sequences coincide at the first X places, but differ at the X+1 place, then the one in which the number at the X+1 place is less should go first.
In the anti-lexicographic, respectively, vice versa. 

# Input Output
1 3
5 5 5
5 5 4
5 5 3
5 4 5
5 4 4
5 4 3
5 3 5
5 3 4
5 3 3
4 5 5
4 5 4
4 5 3
4 4 5
4 4 4
4 4 3
4 3 5
4 3 4
4 3 3
3 5 5
3 5 4
3 5 3
3 4 5
3 4 4
3 4 3
3 3 5
3 3 4

ID 31900. Iterating over lines #4
Темы: recursion   

In the alphabet of the language of the tribe «tumba-yumba» four letters: "K", "L", "M" and "N". We need to display all possible words consisting of n letters that contain at least two identical letters, not necessarily adjacent. The program should not build other words that do not match the condition. 

Input Output

(c) K.Yu. Polyakov

ID 31899. Iterating over lines #3
Темы: recursion   

In the alphabet of the language of the tribe «tumba-yumba» four letters: "K", "L", "M" and "N". It is necessary to display on the screen all possible words consisting of K letters, in which there are at least two identical letters standing side by side. Count the number of such words. The program should not build other words that do not match the condition. 
Input Output

(c) K.Yu. Polyakov

ID 31898. Iterating over lines #2
Темы: recursion   

In the alphabet of the language of the tribe «Tumba-Yumba» four letters: "K", "L", "M" and "N". We need to display all possible words consisting of n letters (n > 1) in which the second letter is «K». Count the number of such words. 
# Input Output
1 2 KK

(c)  K.Yu. Polyakov

ID 33644. Even numbers
Темы: recursion   

Write a recursive function that counts the number of even digits of the given number.
The main program must contain the input of initial data, the call of the function and the output of the result
Loops are not allowed

Input: The input string contains one natural number .

Output: The program should output the number of even digits of the entered number.


# Input Output
1 123456 3
2 13579 0

ID 21718. All numbers from n to 1
Темы: recursion   

Write a program containing a recursive function that  given a natural number n,  prints all numbers from n to 1. The main program must contain input of initial data (a number n) and a function call.

# Input Output
1 6 6 5 4 3 2 1

ID 31792. How to share a potato
Темы: recursion   

Vasya and Petya went to dig potatoes. At the end of the day they dug up N sacks of potatoes weighing W1, W2, ... WN. How can they divide the sacks of potatoes among themselves so that the mass difference is minimal.

On the first line  the number N is written – number of bags (1 ≤ N ≤ 18). The second line lists the masses of bags W1, W2 , … WN (1 ≤ Wi ≤ 105).
On a single line, print one non-negative integer – the minimum possible difference between the masses of two heaps with bags.
Input Output
5 3 5 7 8

ID 31843. Binary sequences
Темы: recursion   

Number N is entered. Generate in lexicographic order all sequences of length N, consisting of numbers 2, 4, 5, in which the number of twos does not exceed 2.
In "lexicographical order" means that if two sequences coincide at the first X places, but differ at the X+1 place, then the one in which the number at the X+1 place is less should go first.

# Input Output
1 3
2 2 4
2 2 5
2 4 2
2 4 4
2 4 5
2 5 2
2 5 4
2 5 5
4 2 2
4 2 4
4 2 5
4 4 2
4 4 4
4 4 5
4 5 2
4 5 4
4 5 5
5 2 2
5 2 4
5 2 5
5 4 2
5 4 4
5 4 5
5 5 2
5 5 4
5 5 5

ID 31845. towers of hanoi
Темы: recursion   

Puzzle “Towers of Hanoi” consists of three rods, numbered 1, 2, 3. A pyramid of n disks of different diameters is put on rod 1 in ascending order of diameter. The disks can be transferred from one rod to another one at a time, while the disk cannot be placed on a disk of a smaller diameter. It is necessary to transfer the entire pyramid from rod 1 to rod 3 in the minimum number of transfers.
Write a program that solves a puzzle; for a given number of disks n prints a sequence of permutations in the format a b c, where a — number of the shifted disk, b — the number of the rod from which this disk is removed, c — the number of the rod on which this disc is put.
For example, line 1 2 3 means moving disc number 1 from pin 2 to pin 3. One command is printed on one line. The disks are numbered from 1 to n in order of increasing diameter.
Enter a natural number n ( 0 < n < 11).
The program should display the minimum (in terms of the number of operations performed) way of rearranging the pyramid from the given number of disks.

# Input Output
1 2
1 1 2
2 1 3
1 2 3

ID 33680. Fast exponentiation
Темы: recursion   

Raising to a power is faster than n multiplications! To do this, use the following recurrence relations:
\(a^n=(a^2)^{n/2},\ for \ even \ n, \\ a^n=a \cdot a^{n-1 },\ for \ odd \ n.\)

Implement the fast exponentiation algorithm. If you do everything right, then the complexity of your algorithm will be  O(logn) .

The program receives a real number a and an integer n as input. Each number on a separate line.

Output \(a^n\).
# Input Output
1 2
2 1.00001

ID 31804. Brackets-2
Темы: recursion   

Print all valid bracket expressions of length N, consisting of parentheses and square brackets.
The first line contains a single number N. \(1 <= N <= 14\), N is even.
Each expression is displayed on a separate line.


# Input Output
1 2
2 4

ID 38318. Weighing
Темы: Bust    recursion   

Two-pan balances and a set of weights are given. An object weighing K grams is placed on the left side of the scale. Is it possible to bring the scales to a state of equilibrium, and if so, determine for each scale pan which weights need to be placed on it for this. Available weights are allowed to be placed on any of the scales (each weight is available only in one copy, some weights may not be used).

Entered first K — the weight of the item placed on the left bowl (1≤K≤50). Next, the total number of weights N (1≤N≤10) is recorded. Next, N different natural numbers are written, not exceeding 50, — weights.

On the first line print the weights of the weights to be placed on the left scale pan, on the second line print — weights to be placed on the right bowl. If no weights need to be placed on some bowl — print the number 0 in this line. If it is impossible to balance the scales with the help of these weights, print the single number –1. If there are several options, print any of them.

# Input Output
1 5
3 5
2 5
6 3 4
3 5

ID 38609. Partitioning into non-increasing terms, lexicographic order
Темы: recursion    Partitions   

Given a natural number N. Consider its partition into natural terms. Two partitions that differ only in the order of the terms will be considered as one, so we can assume that the terms in the partition are ordered in non-increasing order.

A single number N is given. (N ≤ 40)

It is necessary to print all partitions of the number N into natural terms in lexicographic order.

# Input Output
1 5 1 1 1 1 1 
2 1 1 1 
2 2 1 
3 1 1 
3 2 
4 1 

ID 38638. Room area
Темы: Depth walk    recursion   

It is required to calculate the area of ​​a room in a square maze.

The first line of  enters the number N – maze size (3 <= N <= 10). The following N lines contain a maze (‘.’ – empty cell, ‘*’ – wall). And finally, the last line contains  two numbers – the number of the row and column of the cell located in the room whose area is to be calculated. It is guaranteed that this cell is empty and that the labyrinth is surrounded by walls on all sides.

It is required to print a single number – the number of empty cells in this room.


# Input Output

ID 38924. Happy New Year!
Темы: recursion   

In some other world today is December 31st. Grandfather Kokovanya decided to cook a multi-dimensional burger that Daryon loves so much. A L level burger (L is an integer greater than or equal to 0) is being prepared in the following way:

  • Level zero burger is a patty.
  • Burger with level L (L >= 1) is a bun, burger with level (L-1), cutlet, burger with another level (L-1) and another bun, stacked vertically in this order, counting from the bottom.
For example, a level 1 burger and a level 2 burger look like BKKKB and BBKKKBKBKKKBB (rotated 90 degrees), where B and K denote a bun and cutlet.

The burger that grandfather Kokovanya will cook is a level N burger. Daryona always eats only  X layers of the bottom of the burger (a layer is a patty or a bun). How many meatballs will she eat?

The program receives as input 2 numbers separated by a space: N and X.

Output the number of cutlets in the bottom X layers, counting from the bottom of the N layer burger.
# Input Output Explanation
1 2 7 4 In the bottom 7 layers of the second level burger ( BBKKKBKBKKKBB) there are 4 burgers.
2 1 1 0  
3 50 4321098765432109 2160549382716056 A level 50 burger is quite thick, so much so that the number of layers does not fit into a 32-bit integer.

ID 43329. +3 or +5
Темы: recursion   

Little Grisha has learned to perform two operations with any number: add 3 to the number and add 5 to the number. But, unfortunately, he still does not know that in this way he cannot get any number from the number 1. Help Grisha understand whether he can get the number N from the number 1 or not. 


The program takes as input a natural number N (N <= 200).


Print the word YES if the number N can be obtained from the number 1, or NO - otherwise. 


The number 1 can always be obtained without doing anything.

# Input Output
1 5 NO
2 1 YES